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2048 m
British Base
2nd Line Bunker
2nd Line Bunker
1st Line Bunker
1st Line Bunker
1st Line Bunker
German Base
This is a Conquest: Assault map. Your team will win if you cause your opponent's tickets to reach zero. The Germans can reduce the British tickets quickly by holding all of the control points on the map. The British can reduce the German tickets gradually by holding all of the control points on the map.
Tobruk Map Description Tobruk is a fortified harbour with several defence lines for the Germans to cross. A few canyons surround the city. The Germans are on the move and are closing in on the enemy’s first line of defence. Objective This is a CONQUEST: ASSAULT map. To win an assault scenario the team tasked with attacking must control every control point on the map. The defenders win if they are successful in holding the attackers at bay when the fighting is over.