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Battle of Stirling
1024 m
Soviet Base
Work Camp
Scottish Camp
Game Modes:

RFA Files:
2003-08-25 17:15:52

Object Spawns:

This is a Conquest: Head-on map. Your team will win if you cause your opponent's tickets to reach zero. You can increase the rate at which they lose tickets by holding at least half of the control points on this map.
Battle of Stirling A map for the Siege Mod (version 0.24) Game Types: Conquest, Coop, Singleplayer, TDM Type: Conquest-Head on By Megaraptor &quotWe all end up dead. It's just a question of how and why&quot --Mel Gibson, Braveheart Info: This map is a "makeover" of Dice's Kursk for the Siege Mod. It was inspired by the Battle of Stirling in the movie "Braveheart". The English start off with 6 horses, and the scots can get 3 if they get to the CP's first. In this map, the Scots are the Axis and the English Allied. The Scots start off much closer to the control points, due to their initial lack of horses. There are 2 control points, East line and West line. West line spawns 3 horses. New Textures: The French have been changed to look Scottish. The suit of chain mail is now a brown piece of clothing. The sheild has been changed. The faces have also been changed. One has a great red beard, and another has the sides of his face painted blue (kinda like Mel Gibson). The Axis flag is now the modern Scottish Flag (not sure how historically accurate this is, however). Bugs: In Singleplayer mode, the bots run around riding horses and capturing CP's, but the infantry class (mace/hammer-guys) don't fight. The pikemen and swordsmen fight pretty well though. Also, the horses can ride through most static objects and players. I hope that the Siege mod team will fix all these bugs in future releases. Installation: 1. Unzip the zipfile. 2. copy the file "Battle_of_Stirling.rfa" into [your battlefield directory]/battlefield1942/mods/siege/archives/bf1942/levels 3. Start the game, swich to the siege mod and enjoy! History: In 1297AD, William Wallace, a Scottish commoner, led a revolt against English rule. After raising an army, he battled the English at Stirling. He won a resounding victory, driving the British out of Scotland. But this did not last long. Edward Longshanks, king of England, led a larger army against Wallace in 1298. Wallace met them at Falkirk. Wallace attempted the same tactics as at Stirling, but Edward used his archers to a greater advantage, defeating the Scots and killing most of Wallace's army. Wallace escaped the disaster of Falkirk and carried on a guerilla warfare campaign for 7 more years, until he was betrayed to Edward, who had him drawn and quartered. But Wallace had inspired Scotland, and Robert, Earl of Bruce, was crowned King of Scotland in 1306 and rose up in rebellion shortly after against Edward II, son of Edward Longshanks. After murdering his main rival, Robert attacked the English and was defeated 5 times, and had to flee to an island off the Irish coast. He came back the following spring, in 1314, and met the English at Bannockburn. There they fought a great battle, and the outnumbered Scots soundly defeated the British. The English were again driven out of Scotland, but Edward II never gave up his claim to the crown of Scotland. However, his son, Edward III, recognized Robert Bruce as the King of an independent Scotland in 1328. Tools used: Editor42 (object placement, Control points) Wordpad GmakeRFA Sources: The ground texture is actually the texture from Agincourt. But it looks great. The Scottish clothing was based on FREEEDOMMMMMM!!!