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After The Storm
1024 m
Pretty Island
Carrier Rear
Game Modes:

RFA Files:
2006-05-20 20:53:30

Object Spawns:

A hurricane has swept the south-west pacific for the last two weeks, both the USS Maryland and the 3rd Carrier of the Emperors Royal Navy have been severly damaged and were both lost in the storm. On the morning of the 4th of May 1943 however, the fog cleared and the two ships were stranded next to each-other! Since both carriers radars had been knocked out in the storm it sure was a rude awakening for the soldiers on-board. This is a Head-on map, the team that controls both the Pretty Little Island and the Carrier Rear will cause the other team to lost tickets. This map is inspired by the map Dead Calm from BF-Pirates.
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The Americans and the Japanese have to fight for a small island in between the carriers. This map has two controlpoints; PRETTY ISLAND and CARRIER REAR. The team that controls both will cause ticket bleed for the other. CARRIER REAR doesn't produce any spawns. ASSAULT NIGHTS: This is an old Infantry Match Map made by Marrom. This version has only three capturable controlpoints; CITY AREA, WEST BRIDGE and EAST BRIDGE. The team that controls CITY AREA and one of the bridges will cause the other team to bleed tickets. PANIC IN THE STREETS: This map is different from most Bf42 maps. Both team enter the little city from uncapturable flags, there are four flags on the map: DESTROYED BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL AREA, SEWER JUNCTION and SEWER. The team that controls the Destroyed building and one of the other two will cause the other team to bleed, the SEWER doesn't cause any bleed but is important to hold since spawning there makes it easier to get around from under the city. The Destroyed building is also different, the team that controls this flag can spawn troops anywhere in the city. ISLAND OF HORROR: On this map a small tropical Island has been occupied by a platoon of insane deserters from the US Army! By accident a plane carrying troops of the army of Canada crashes on the island, the Canadians are ordered to take control of the island and capture the americans - dead or alive (something tells me its going to be the later...) The Canadians are slightly injured in the crash a small medic bag can be found at one of the palmtrees at the sites... There are three controlpoints on the island; OUTPOST, ABANDONED VILLAGE and ANCIENT RUINS. The team that controls all three will cause the other team to lose tickets. TOWN SQUARE NIGHTS: This map is an edit of the original map "Town square Trouble" by zara5ustra. Change Log for Town Square Nights: CONTROLPOINTS: There are now three ControlPoints. The two flags in the alleys that used to be the Axis & Allies main bases can now be captured. Instead two new flags have been set up in the north-east and the south-west corner of the city. These are now the main-bases which can not be captured. THE SQUARE: This flags radius have been made smaller, it is harder to capture and harder to defend. This flag now gives 80 points, which mean that in order to make the other team bleed tickets, your team need to hold at least one of the alleys as well. The Square still doesn't produce any spawns. THE NORTH ALLEY: This used to be where the allies start, the controlpoint has been re-inforced with sandbags and it produces spawnpoints. It gives 20 points, which means your team has to hold the Square as well to make the other team bleed tickets THE SOUTH ALLEY: This used to be where the axis start, the controlpoint has been re-inforced with sandbags and it produces spawnpoints. It gives 20 points, which means your team has to hold the Square as well to make the other team bleed tickets SOUND: This map now has sound. OBJECTS: This map features more static objects than the original maps. Planks to walk on, planks over the windows and plenty more additions to simulate that this battle takes place after the original map (The following night) LOADSCREEN: A new loadscreen has been added OVERALL PLAYING AREA: TSN in slightly bigger than TST. Your team can now move around more freely on the streets, in the buildings and on the rooftops. it is darker and harder to see your enemy, but also it is easier to hide and to sneak up behind him and stab him in the back! MODES: this map can be played in CONQUEST, CTF & TDM mode. in CTF the two alley-flags don't exist, your team must cross the city and capture the other teams main-flag. in TDM the flags are the same as in CQ. ************************************************************************** INSTALLATION: This pack comes with an installer, just double-click the .exe and fire away If you are running this map on your DEDICATED BF1942 SERVER you must turn off CONTENT check. This feature will prevent your server from running ANY custom made maps, so if you have this turned on and your DEDICATED BF1942 SERVER doesn't start, be sure to turn it OFF. This map-pack has been tested and played by a number of people to which I would like to give thanks; from the [SweT] Clan in Sweden: Gandhi, Toker, DeWalt, Von Sniper, Seal, Schnausserville, Stitch, Hollywood Rose The entire =PKT= clan in Poland from the illuminators clan in sweden: Myggan, Musen, Hollow, Holliest, Bot Many more have tested the maps, searched for bugs (I bet there still are some, but no one is perfect so be nice) and given me great tips, thanks to all. LINKS: Have fun! /Natty E-mail & MSN ::: #Email removed by DataField42# X-fire : nattywallo #swet @ QuakeNet ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INFANTRY MAP PACK#1 - FOR BATTLEFIELD 1942 -----------------------------------------------------------------------