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Eagles Nest
Eagles Nest
Custom map made by Relo@d Version 1 This is the Vanilla version of Xpack 2 Secret Weapons - Eagles Nest. Enjoy it and if you like it buy Secret Weapon Expansion for full features and brand new viechles and weapons. Do NOT join winning team ! Keep even teams ! Do not TK or cheat ! Play fun and good gaming !
2003-06-22 <-> 2004-11-08
Merderet - A BF1942 Night Map
Merderet is based on a real WW2 battle when US 508th crossed the river of Merderet in France.
- Colonel Lindquist's force was at Chef-du-Pont on orders to establish contact with Colonel Shanley's men isolated on Hill 30. The mission was to clear the Carquebut-Eturville area. That night the 8 of june 1944 they crossed the river of Merderet.
Read more here:
Eturville - 2xJeep, 2xAPC, 1xLighttank, 2xRaft
Chef-du-pont- 2xJeep, 2xAPC, 1xLighttank, 2xRaft, 1xPAK40
Gueutteville - 1xJeep, 1xHeavytank, 1xArtillery
Hill 30 - 1xJeep, 1xAPC, 1xLighttank, 2xRaft
Carquebut - 1xJeep, 1xAPC, 1xLighttank, 2xRaft
La Fiere - 1xJeep, 1xAPC, 1xHeavytank
Amfreville - 1xJeep, 1xLighttank, 1xArtillery, 1xAPC, 2xRaft, 1xPAK40
In the terrain - 1xJeep, 1xLighttank, 2xPatrolboat, 1xPAK40
Features in version 1:
- Amfreville is worth the double (50p) as a flagpoint so you need 4 flags OR Amfreville + 2 flags to start ticketdrop for the enemy team.
- Verifyed with patch 1.6 and 1.6 objects.
- Ballanced for various of tactical battles.
- Sneaky infantry in the night with tanks support.
- Small boats will help the infantry to cross the Merderet in the night.
- A PC with Bf1942 game.
- Orginal Dice maps installed.
- Unzip the Merderet.rfa map file in: BF1942\Mods\bf1942\Archives\bf1942\levels
For more maps and info please visit:
Hope you enjoy this map.
/Relo@d, Sweden
2004-10-27 <-> 2004-11-25