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Archives/bf1942/levels/maps - with documentation/Aachen Germany/Aachen_Germany.rfa
raytracer.ambientIntensity 0.05
raytracer.blockSize 16
raytracer.sampleOffset 0.05
rem *** 1 == Trace only the nearest 256x256 meter patch.
rem *** 0 == Trace all patches.
raytracer.OnlyNearest 0
rem *** < 0, trace all pixels
rem *** Else, number of meters from moving free camera to trace the shadows. Preview tool.
raytracer.shadowsNearCamera -10.0
raytracer.light.direction -0.191000/0.450000/-0.873000
raytracer.light.selfshadowing 1
raytracer.light.objectShadows 0
raytracer.light.shadowIntensity 1
raytracer.light.intensity 0.35
raytracer.light.softness 1.0
raytracer.light.fov 130
raytracer.light.viewDistance 200
rem **** Should be sun direction ***
raytracer.light.direction -0.191000/0.450000/-0.873000
raytracer.light.selfshadowing 1
raytracer.light.objectShadows 1
raytracer.light.shadowIntensity 1
raytracer.light.intensity 0.6
raytracer.light.softness 0.0
raytracer.light.fov 8
raytracer.light.viewDistance 500
raytracer.addIgnoreObject terrain
raytracer.addIgnoreObject track
raytracer.ambientIntensity 0.05
raytracer.blockSize 16
raytracer.sampleOffset 0.05
rem *** 1 == Trace only the nearest 256x256 meter patch.
rem *** 0 == Trace all patches.
raytracer.OnlyNearest 0
rem *** < 0, trace all pixels
rem *** Else, number of meters from moving free camera to trace the shadows. Preview tool.
raytracer.shadowsNearCamera -10.0
raytracer.light.direction -0.191000/0.450000/-0.873000
raytracer.light.selfshadowing 1
raytracer.light.objectShadows 0
raytracer.light.shadowIntensity 1
raytracer.light.intensity 0.35
raytracer.light.softness 1.0
raytracer.light.fov 130
raytracer.light.viewDistance 200
rem **** Should be sun direction ***
raytracer.light.direction -0.191000/0.450000/-0.873000
raytracer.light.selfshadowing 1
raytracer.light.objectShadows 1
raytracer.light.shadowIntensity 1
raytracer.light.intensity 0.6
raytracer.light.softness 0.0
raytracer.light.fov 8
raytracer.light.viewDistance 500
raytracer.addIgnoreObject terrain
raytracer.addIgnoreObject track