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Archives/bf1942/levels/maps - with documentation/A bridge too far/A_bridge_too_far.rfa
*** Created by: Lighteye - clanmember of ArmyofGoT ( tag: [GoT] ) - ***
******* Visit for new maps in the near future! *******
************** Mail to for any info/suggestions etc. **************


Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute
this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate,
then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This .RFA may be distributed ONLY over the Internet.
You are NOT authorized to put this .RFA on any CD or distribute it in any way without my
permission Also NO EXTRA FILES that coorporates with the original .RFA are NOT PERMITTED!
No modifications in every way of the original .RFA are not allowed without permission!

rem **** Initialize Terrain *****
GeometryTemplate.create PatchTerrain patchGeometry
GeometryTemplate.file bf1942\levels\A_bridge_too_far\Heightmap
GeometryTemplate.materialMap bf1942\levels\A_bridge_too_far\Materialmap
GeometryTemplate.materialSize 512
GeometryTemplate.targetTriCount 5000
GeometryTemplate.worldSize 2048
GeometryTemplate.yScale 0.6
GeometryTemplate.texBaseName bf1942\levels\A_bridge_too_far\Textures\Tx
GeometryTemplate.texOffsetX 0
GeometryTemplate.texOffsetY 0
GeometryTemplate.detailTexName bf1942\levels\A_bridge_too_far\Textures\Detail
GeometryTemplate.waterLevel 35
GeometryTemplate.seaFloorLevel 0
GeometryTemplate.lodDistance 350

ObjectTemplate.create SimpleObject terrainObject
ObjectTemplate.geometry patchGeometry
objectTemplate.createNotInGrid 1

Object.create terrainObject
Object.setName track
Object.absolutePosition 0/0/0
Object.rotation 0/0/0

Console.worldSize 2048

Terrain.ShadowAmbient 80/80/90
Terrain.ShadowBorderFadeTime 0.25
Terrain.ShadowSamplingCullY 15