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Archives/bf1942/levels/maps - with documentation/Battle of Britain/Battle_of_Britain.rfa
if v_arg1 == host
rem ----- Host
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem *** pathfinding debug mode
rem game.aiPathfindingDebuggingActive 1
rem *** Set number of maps ***
rem ai.setNSearchMaps 2 *** DEPRICATED ***
rem ai.setNSearchTypes 2 *** DEPRICATED ***
rem *** Set number of AStar resources ***
ai.numAStarResources 10
rem *** Setup map parameters ***
rem *** searchMap name/waterHeight/waterDepth/maxSlope/brush/lowClipLevel/hiClipLevel/considerAITypes
rem *** searchType name/mapNum/minSearchLevel
rem *** Tank ***
ai.addSearchMap Tank0 0 0 30 3.0 0.3 2.5 0
ai.addSearchType Tank 0 0
ai.setMapSpawnPoints 0 1231/1608,438/338
ai.setSmoothing 0 20
rem *** Infantry ***
ai.addSearchMap Infantry1 0 1.5 30 1.0 0.4 2.0 1
ai.addSearchType Infantry 1 0
ai.setMapSpawnPoints 1 1231/1608,438/338
ai.setSmoothing 1 10
rem *** Load maps ***
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem ----- Host
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem *** pathfinding debug mode
rem game.aiPathfindingDebuggingActive 1
rem *** Set number of maps ***
rem ai.setNSearchMaps 2 *** DEPRICATED ***
rem ai.setNSearchTypes 2 *** DEPRICATED ***
rem *** Set number of AStar resources ***
ai.numAStarResources 10
rem *** Setup map parameters ***
rem *** searchMap name/waterHeight/waterDepth/maxSlope/brush/lowClipLevel/hiClipLevel/considerAITypes
rem *** searchType name/mapNum/minSearchLevel
rem *** Tank ***
ai.addSearchMap Tank0 0 0 30 3.0 0.3 2.5 0
ai.addSearchType Tank 0 0
ai.setMapSpawnPoints 0 1231/1608,438/338
ai.setSmoothing 0 20
rem *** Infantry ***
ai.addSearchMap Infantry1 0 1.5 30 1.0 0.4 2.0 1
ai.addSearchType Infantry 1 0
ai.setMapSpawnPoints 1 1231/1608,438/338
ai.setSmoothing 1 10
rem *** Load maps ***
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------