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Archives/bf1942/levels/maps - with documentation/Battle of Britain/Battle_of_Britain.rfa
newPatch #################### ### Engine Start ### #################### load @ROOT/Sound/@RTD/willy_horn.wav minDistance 30 dopplerOff priority -2 *** Distance Volume *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Distance envelope Ramp param 10 param 50 param 1 param -1 endEffect /* ############ ### Main ### ############ load @ROOT/Sound/@RTD/Willyengine3.wav loop minDistance 2 relativePosition 0/0/0 priority 9 *** Engine start *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Time envelope Ramp param 0.2 param 0.8 param 0 param 1 endEffect *** Engine Pitch *** beginEffect controlDestination Pitch controlSource Default envelope Linear param 0.45 param 0.55 endEffect *** Distance Volume *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Distance envelope Ramp param 220 param 300 param 1 param -1 endEffect *** Engine stop *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource TimeRelease envelope Ramp param 0 param 0.2 param 1 param -1 endEffect ##################################### load @ROOT/Sound/@RTD/willyngnhi.wav loop minDistance 2 relativePosition 0/0/0 volume .3 priority 9 *** Engine start *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Time envelope Ramp param 0.2 param 0.8 param 0 param 1 endEffect *** Engine Pitch *** beginEffect controlDestination Pitch controlSource Default envelope Ramp param 0.55 param 1.2 param 0.25 param 0.75 param 2 param 0.35 endEffect *** Engine Volume *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Default envelope Ramp param 0.55 param 1 param 0 param 1 endEffect *** Distance Volume *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Distance envelope Ramp param 60 param 150 param 1 param -1 endEffect *** Engine stop *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource TimeRelease envelope Ramp param 0 param 0.2 param 1 param -1 endEffect ############## ### Lo RPM ### ############## load @ROOT/Sound/@RTD/WillyLoRPMcyl.wav loop volume .3 minDistance 1 relativePosition 0/0/0 priority 9 *** Engine start *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Time envelope Ramp param 0.2 param 0.8 param 0 param 1 endEffect *** Engine Pitch *** beginEffect controlDestination Pitch controlSource Default envelope Linear param 0.9 param 0.8 endEffect *** Distance Volume *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Distance envelope Ramp param 22 param 40 param 1 param -1 endEffect *** Engine Volume *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Default envelope Ramp param 0 param .9 param 1 param -1 endEffect *** Engine stop *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource TimeRelease envelope Ramp param 0 param 0.2 param 1 param -1 endEffect ################ ### Hi RPM 1 ### ################ load @ROOT/Sound/@RTD/WillyHiRPM2.wav loop minDistance 1 relativePosition 0/0/0 priority 9 *** Engine start *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Time envelope Ramp param 0.2 param 0.8 param 0 param 1 endEffect *** Engine Pitch *** beginEffect controlDestination Pitch controlSource Speed envelope Linear param 0.4 param 0.01 endEffect *** Distance Volume *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Distance envelope Ramp param 22 param 40 param 1 param -1 endEffect *** Engine Volume *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Default envelope Ramp param 0 param .2 param 0 param 1 endEffect *** Engine stop *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource TimeRelease envelope Ramp param 0 param 0.2 param 1 param -1 endEffect ################ ### Hi RPM 2 ### ################ load @ROOT/Sound/@RTD/WillyHiRPM2.wav volume .7 loop minDistance 1 relativePosition 0/0/0 priority 7 *** Engine start *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Time envelope Ramp param 0.2 param 0.8 param 0 param 1 endEffect *** Engine Pitch *** beginEffect controlDestination Pitch controlSource Default envelope Linear param 0.75 param 0.25 endEffect *** Distance Volume *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Distance envelope Ramp param 22 param 40 param 1 param -1 endEffect *** Engine Volume *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Default envelope Ramp param 0 param .1 param 0 param 1 endEffect *** Engine stop *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource TimeRelease envelope Ramp param 0 param 0.2 param 1 param -1 endEffect ################### ### Engine Stop ### ################### load @ROOT/Sound/@RTD/willyenginestp.wav minDistance 2 trigger Release dopplerOff priority -2 *** Distance Volume *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Distance envelope Ramp param 50 param 100 param 1 param -1 endEffect