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Archives/bf1942/levels/maps - with documentation/Battle of Britain/Battle_of_Britain.rfa
#templateLevel HIGH newPatch load @ROOT/Sound/@RTD/air-raid-siren-pitched-reverb.wav stereo loop minDistance 5 volume .4 randomStartPitch 0.2 / 0.0 priority -10 *** Distance Volume *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Distance envelope Ramp param 1 param 200 param 1 param -1 endEffect #templateLevel MEDIUM newPatch load @ROOT/Sound/@RTD/air-raid-siren-pitched-reverb.wav stereo loop minDistance 5 volume .4 randomStartPitch 0.2 / 0.0 priority -10 *** Distance Volume *** beginEffect controlDestination Volume controlSource Distance envelope Ramp param 30 param 80 param 1 param -1 endEffect