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Archives/bf1942/levels/map packs - with documentation/pbf-ea_winners_map-pack/Kasserine.rfa
Game.setLocalized 1
game.setLoadPicture Load/Desert.tga
rem ** Multiplayer Briefing **
game.setMultiplayerBriefingMapType HEAD-ON
game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "Welcome To Kasserine! The allies must hold the pass until the fresh troops hit the beach and move into the pass. Axis must take the pass, and force the allies back to the beach. GOOD LUCK! Map Created by: Caleb Doughty"
game.setMapId "bf1942"
game.setLoadPicture Load/Desert.tga
rem ** Multiplayer Briefing **
game.setMultiplayerBriefingMapType HEAD-ON
game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "Welcome To Kasserine! The allies must hold the pass until the fresh troops hit the beach and move into the pass. Axis must take the pass, and force the allies back to the beach. GOOD LUCK! Map Created by: Caleb Doughty"
game.setMapId "bf1942"