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Game.setLocalized 1

rem ** Allied Briefing **
game.setAlliedCampaign "Special Forces have landed in the southwest and go for Pho Nung city."
game.setAlliedHints " "
game.setAlliedObjectives "Get and hold as much flags as possible."
game.setAlliedSkirmish " "

rem ** Axis Briefing **
game.setAxisCampaign "*** Pho Nung ***"
game.setAxisHints " "
game.setAxisObjectives "Special Forces have landed in the southwest and go for Pho Nung city."
game.setAxisSkirmish " "

rem ** Allied Debriefing **
game.setAlliedDebriefingMajorVictory " "
game.setAlliedDebriefingMinorVictory " "
game.setAlliedDebriefingMajorDefeat " "
game.setAlliedDebriefingMinorDefeat " "

rem ** Axis Debriefing **
game.setAxisDebriefingMajorVictory " "
game.setAxisDebriefingMinorVictory " "
game.setAxisDebriefingMajorDefeat " "
game.setAxisDebriefingMinorDefeat " "

rem ** Multiplayer Briefing **
game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "Special Forces have landed in the southwest and go for Pho Nung city."
game.setMultiplayerBriefingMapType MULTIPLAYER_MAP_TYPE_EOD_TANK_MAP

game.setLoadPicture ../../bf1942/levels/pho_nung/menu/loader.tga
game.setServerInfoIcon ../../bf1942/levels/pho_nung/menu/

game.setMapId "EOD"