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Game.setLocalized 1

game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "The battle at Jaroslawice is the first and last major cavalry battle of the Great War, which took place on August 8, 1914 near the villages of Jaroslawice and Wolczkowce, which is 5 km from the town of Zborov, between the Russian 10th Cavalry Division of General Count Feodor Keller and 4th Austrian Cavalry Division of General Edmund Ritter von Zaremb. Although with that, and on the other hand opponents were represented by one division, on the side of the Austrians was two-fold advantage."

game.setLoadPicture ../../bf1942/levels/Battle_of_Jaroslawice/menu/loader.tga

game.setMapId "bf1918"

game.setServerInfoIcon "serverBF1918.tga"