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rem Created by Battlecraft 1942. Copyright (c)2003,2004 Digital Illusions CE
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Game.setLocalized 1

game.setLoadPicture ../../menu/Texture/menu/Background.tga
game.setServerInfoIcon ../../bf1942/levels/Berlin/menu/

game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "The Road to Haggle Town. It used to be safe but, raiding season is begining. The time when raiders come out and pillage, enslave, attack merchants, and lone tankers. This year's raiding season is unusually bad. I keep hearing rumers about a winter comeing some people say its going to be bad. Maby this is why the raiders have bin so active."

game.setMapId "wasteland2042"
game.setBackgroundMusic "music/high.bik"
game.serBackgroundMusic "music/low.bik"