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Game.setLocalized 1

Game.setAlliedCampaign "Units of the MEC Second Armored have fought their way from a beachhead landing in the Delaware Bay to here in the Pennsylvania Dutch farmland of Lancaster County. This bold push is to cut off American units moving south to reinforce Washington D.C., a city under siege by MEC forces. This agriculturally rich area of American culture is about to erupt, as battle hardened units of Americas Armored and Cavalry Divisions muster to stop the MEC Second Armored advance head on."
Game.setAlliedSkirmish "Units of the MEC Second Armored have fought their way from a beachhead landing in the Delaware Bay to here in the Pennsylvania Dutch farmland of Lancaster County. This bold push is to cut off American units moving south to reinforce Washington D.C., a city under siege by MEC forces. This agriculturally rich area of American culture is about to erupt, as battle hardened units of Americas Armored and Cavalry Divisions muster to stop the MEC Second Armored advance head on."

Game.setAxisCampaign "Units of the MEC Second Armored have fought their way from a beachhead landing in the Delaware Bay to here in the Pennsylvania Dutch farmland of Lancaster County. This bold push is to cut off American units moving south to reinforce Washington D.C., a city under siege by MEC forces. This agriculturally rich area of American culture is about to erupt, as battle hardened units of Americas Armored and Cavalry Divisions muster to stop the MEC Second Armored advance head on."
Game.setAxisSkirmish "Units of the MEC Second Armored have fought their way from a beachhead landing in the Delaware Bay to here in the Pennsylvania Dutch farmland of Lancaster County. This bold push is to cut off American units moving south to reinforce Washington D.C., a city under siege by MEC forces. This agriculturally rich area of American culture is about to erupt, as battle hardened units of Americas Armored and Cavalry Divisions muster to stop the MEC Second Armored advance head on."

Game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "Units of the MEC Second Armored have fought their way from a beachhead landing in the Delaware Bay to here in the Pennsylvania Dutch farmland of Lancaster County. This bold push is to cut off American units moving south to reinforce Washington D.C., a city under siege by MEC forces. This agriculturally rich area of American culture is about to erupt, as battle hardened units of Americas Armored and Cavalry Divisions muster to stop the MEC Second Armored advance head on."
Game.setMultiplayerBriefingMapType MULTIPLAYER_MAP_TYPE_ASSAULT_MAP

Game.setMapId "BF2"
Game.setServerInfoIcon ../../Menu/Texture/serverInfo.tga