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rem Created by Battlecraft 1942. Copyright (c)2003,2004 Digital Illusions CE
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Game.setLocalized 1
game.setLoadPicture Load/Gauntlet.tga
game.setMultiplayerBriefingMapType MULTIPLAYER_MAP_TYPE_ASSAULT_MAP
game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "A British carrier has been sighted near a pair of Japanese island airbases. The IJA is scrambling aircraft to sink the carrier before it can leave the area. British pilots must hold off the Japanese attack - if their carrier sinks, they immediately lose! IMPORTANT: The British carrier does not start with 100% health - use some friendly engineers to give it a boost for the best chances of survival! Val and Zero skins by takiwa, Royal Navy Corsair by Lobo."
rem ** Allied Debriefing **
game.setAlliedDebriefingMajorVictory "Despite the large Japanese aerial armada, the carrier has survived. In such good shape, we can quickly move on and rejoin with friendly ships for support. You are to be commended for your valiant and highly successful efforts!"
game.setAlliedDebriefingMinorVictory "Intense enemy attacks did cause heavy damage, but at least there are some survivors. The ship will need to be serviced, repaired, and resupplied before we can continue pushing the Japanese back. We've lost valuable time."
game.setAlliedDebriefingMajorDefeat "The carrier was overwhelmed and wiped out to a minimum number of Japanese losses. A major rethink in strategy is required before we try something like that again."
game.setAlliedDebriefingMinorDefeat "Unfortunately, it seems that even the finest pilots and aircraft of the Royal Navy could not hold back the waves of Japanese aircraft. We need time to regroup our shattered forces, and this will give the Japanese the breathing room they need. We can't afford this happening again."
rem ** Axis Debriefing **
game.setAxisDebriefingMajorVictory "The stray British carrier and its aerial force was annihilated. You've bought our forces valuable time to fortify what ground we have left. Very well done!"
game.setAxisDebriefingMinorVictory "The British have been destroyed, but at a great cost to our pilots and planes. We cannot sustain battles like this for much longer, but you have at least delayed the enemy advance."
game.setAxisDebriefingMajorDefeat "A crushing defeat...soon the rest of the Pacific will have fallen. There is very little chance of regaining our former strength."
game.setAxisDebriefingMinorDefeat "It seems that we underestimated the enemy. While we have inflicted serious damage on their navy, they continue to advance towards our last outposts. It is not looking good..."
game.setMapId "RCMappack"
rem Created by Battlecraft 1942. Copyright (c)2003,2004 Digital Illusions CE
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Game.setLocalized 1
game.setLoadPicture Load/Gauntlet.tga
game.setMultiplayerBriefingMapType MULTIPLAYER_MAP_TYPE_ASSAULT_MAP
game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "A British carrier has been sighted near a pair of Japanese island airbases. The IJA is scrambling aircraft to sink the carrier before it can leave the area. British pilots must hold off the Japanese attack - if their carrier sinks, they immediately lose! IMPORTANT: The British carrier does not start with 100% health - use some friendly engineers to give it a boost for the best chances of survival! Val and Zero skins by takiwa, Royal Navy Corsair by Lobo."
rem ** Allied Debriefing **
game.setAlliedDebriefingMajorVictory "Despite the large Japanese aerial armada, the carrier has survived. In such good shape, we can quickly move on and rejoin with friendly ships for support. You are to be commended for your valiant and highly successful efforts!"
game.setAlliedDebriefingMinorVictory "Intense enemy attacks did cause heavy damage, but at least there are some survivors. The ship will need to be serviced, repaired, and resupplied before we can continue pushing the Japanese back. We've lost valuable time."
game.setAlliedDebriefingMajorDefeat "The carrier was overwhelmed and wiped out to a minimum number of Japanese losses. A major rethink in strategy is required before we try something like that again."
game.setAlliedDebriefingMinorDefeat "Unfortunately, it seems that even the finest pilots and aircraft of the Royal Navy could not hold back the waves of Japanese aircraft. We need time to regroup our shattered forces, and this will give the Japanese the breathing room they need. We can't afford this happening again."
rem ** Axis Debriefing **
game.setAxisDebriefingMajorVictory "The stray British carrier and its aerial force was annihilated. You've bought our forces valuable time to fortify what ground we have left. Very well done!"
game.setAxisDebriefingMinorVictory "The British have been destroyed, but at a great cost to our pilots and planes. We cannot sustain battles like this for much longer, but you have at least delayed the enemy advance."
game.setAxisDebriefingMajorDefeat "A crushing defeat...soon the rest of the Pacific will have fallen. There is very little chance of regaining our former strength."
game.setAxisDebriefingMinorDefeat "It seems that we underestimated the enemy. While we have inflicted serious damage on their navy, they continue to advance towards our last outposts. It is not looking good..."
game.setMapId "RCMappack"