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rem Created by Battlecraft 1942. Copyright (c)2003,2004 Digital Illusions CE
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Game.setLocalized 1

game.setLoadPicture ../../bf1942/levels/GC_Kryos/Menu/loadscreen.tga
game.setServerInfoIcon ../../bf1942/levels/GC_Kryos/menu/
game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "Imperial spies have learned of a top secret weapon being constructed for the Rebels some where in the Mon Cal system. A Star Destroyer was sent to investigate all outlying planets. When the ship approached Sep Elopon, they picked up energy readings coming from the frozen moon Kryos. When the Star Destroyer moved into orbit around Kryos, it was nearly destroyed from fire from the surface. Unfortunately for the Rebels, the Empire was able to detach a ground assault force to the planet in hopes to destroy this new weapon and learn where the Rebels' new secret base is..."
game.setMapId "GC_Redux"

rem ** Allied Debriefing **
game.setAlliedDebriefingMajorVictory "The force is with you!"
game.setAlliedDebriefingMinorVictory "Victory, but at great cost! Regroup and prepare for the next battle."
game.setAlliedDebriefingMajorDefeat "Mission failure. All forces were lost."
game.setAlliedDebriefingMinorDefeat "The force was not with you today, but you survived to fight another day."

rem ** Axis Debriefing **
game.setAxisDebriefingMajorVictory "Victory! Darth Vadar is greatly pleased."
game.setAxisDebriefingMinorVictory "Success, at great cost! You will require reinforcements."
game.setAxisDebriefingMajorDefeat "Mission Failure! No survivors."
game.setAxisDebriefingMinorDefeat "You survived, but only by retreating. This will not look well on your service record. You might think about early retirement."