This page is under construction
.8a - new armory set up (removed old spawnkits) - 3 boxes of mp5 - 2 boxes of vss - 1 box of m82 - halved hp for bunkers - back to ak-s - at2 (no stinger, instead c4 (this okay??)) - added mynes modified humvee .7a - added wreckspawn effect - raised HP .5g-i - fixed loadscreen .5g - set load screen - added mission briefing - added 3x hvysniper kit .4e - removed wreck spawn effect, set time to live for "normal wreck" to 10s .4d - added loading screen - removed smokey code .4c - smoke nade moved from heavy to normal assault - fixed envmapping (for real) .4b - renamed to dc_weapon_bunkers - adjusted tickets to 200 - smoke nade for spec ops, heavy assault and sniper - returned mortar to support - fixed ingame minimap (out of bound area) - fixed envmapping .4a - completed ground tex - added shadow to ground tex - slight terrain adjustments - ingame map redo - fixed floating house and guardtower .3e - added wreckmesh effect, meaning bunker spawns wreck after destruction - added smoke nades, support and specops - bsped bunkermesh .3d - removed para spawn for coallition - lowered bunker hp to 1600 .3c - added para spawn for coallition - added missing fence and replaced with fixed version from docks - replace ural with tanker .3b - bunkers code split into middle left and right bunker - added soldier spawns spread all over the base to each bunker(ruffly 30 altogether) - raised HP for bunkers to 2200, and adjusted smoke effect .3a - redo of SnD code (to match BoB)