This page is under construction
if v_arg1 == host

rem *** Pathfinding debug mode
rem game.aiPathfindingDebuggingActive 1

rem *** Set number of maps ***
rem ai.setNSearchMaps 2 *** DEPRICATED ***
rem ai.setNSearchTypes 2 *** DEPRICATED ***

rem *** Set number of AStar resources ***
rem ai.numAStarResources 12

rem *** Setup map parameters ***
rem *** searchMap name/waterHeight/waterDepth/maxSlope/brush/lowClipLevel/hiClipLevel/considerAITypes
rem *** searchType name/mapNum/minSearchLevel

rem *** Tank ***
ai.addSearchMap Tank0 0 0 25 3.0 0.3 2.5 0
ai.addSearchType Tank 0 0
rem ai.setMapSpawnPoints 0 445/214
ai.setSmoothing 0 20
rem 445/214, 445/214, 446/238, 446/238, 426/269, 426/269, 398/269, 398/269, 390/226, 390/226, 391/202, 391/202, 642/697, 642/697, 655/697, 655/697, 623/737, 623/737, 634/737, 634/737, 606/685, 606/685, 670/735, 670/735, 657/745, 657/745

rem *** Infantry ***
ai.addSearchMap Infantry1 0 1.5 30 1.0 0.4 2.0 1
ai.addSearchType Infantry 1 0
rem ai.setMapSpawnPoints 1 522/452
ai.setSmoothing 1 10
rem 522/452, 522/572, 621/735, 625/735, 632/735, 637/735, 658/699, 653/699, 644/699, 640/699, 662/742, 652/728, 661/716, 669/729, 672/717, 645/744, 604/684, 626/686, 618/690, 394/206, 395/199, 394/229, 394/223, 401/268, 396/268, 429/268, 423/268, 432/266, 441/235, 445/234, 441/241, 444/241, 441/210, 445/210, 442/217, 445/217, 391/205, 391/199, 391/229, 391/223, 412/237, 424/236, 433/217, 426/199, 409/205, 403/223, 413/219, 423/225, 605/678, 629/737, 648/697

rem *** Amphibius ***
ai.addSearchMap Amphibius4 0 1000 30 4.0 0.3 2.5 0
ai.addSearchType Amphibius 4 0
ai.setMapSpawnPoints 4 0/0
ai.setSmoothing 4 20
ai.setWaterCutOffDepth 1

rem *** Load maps ***

rem > *** Enables pathmap creation C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 1942\bf1942\levels ***
rem run StaticObjects.con
rem ai.createAllMaps
rem <
