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rem Created by Battlecraft 1942. Copyright (c)2003,2004 Digital Illusions CE
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Game.setLocalized 1

game.setLoadPicture ../../bf1942/levels/BlackMantis/Menu/Load.tga
game.setServerInfoIcon ../../bf1942/levels/BlackMantis/menu/

game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives " The Fundamentalist Black Mantis Liberation Front has declared the Port of Sulamaniya their territory. Having gained control over the mountain fortress of Chraden they are now en-route to take over the remainder of the city. US Intervention Troops have taken up base in a nearby village. Among them are an Air Cavalry Division who is preparing to overthrow the harbour area and a deserted airfield as the first part of the allied counter-offensive. Reinforcements on coalition side will be available after all first objectives are fulfilled."

game.setMultiplayerBriefingMapType "Combined Forces"

game.setMapId "DC2"