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rem Created by Battlecraft 1942. Copyright (c)2003,2004 Digital Illusions CE
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Game.setLocalized 1

game.setLoadPicture ../../bf1942/levels/Kilpeenjoki/menu/kilpeenjoki.tga

game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "On August 23rd, Finnish Infantry Regiment 47 (the regiment of Vallila) reached Kilpeenjoki and faced Soviet 3rd Battalion of the 147th Infantry Regiment. A fierce battle for the area has begun. Some Finnish units have gone around the main Soviet line and are attacking the rear positions of the enemy battalion with a help from the Flamethrower Tank Detachment."

rem ** Allied Debriefing **
game.setAlliedDebriefingMajorVictory "We managed to stall the Finnish offensive at our direction by completely annihilating the attacking Finnish Faschist pigs. We have done our part to fulfill the order from Marshal Voroshilov; Viborg shall not be lost!"
game.setAlliedDebriefingMinorVictory "Finnish offensive at our direction has been stopped, but for how long? We lost too many good men, and another Finnish attack is to be expected."
game.setAlliedDebriefingMajorDefeat "We're doomed! Hundreds of corpses everywhere and men are fleeing from the battlefield! Can't anything stop these Finnish Faschists?"
game.setAlliedDebriefingMinorDefeat "Finns have driven us out from our positions, but we've managed to give them a bloody nose. We need to put our act at the next defence line."

rem ** Axis Debriefing **
game.setAxisDebriefingMajorVictory "The enemy has been completely destroyed with minor own casualties. Hundreds of dead Red Army soldiers have been reported, and around the same amount has been captured as prisoners of war. Soon Viipuri shall be in Finnish hands again."
game.setAxisDebriefingMinorVictory "We have beaten the enemy, but we also lost quite a bunch of good men. Still, soon the Finnish flag shall be on the Viipuri castle."
game.setAxisDebriefingMajorDefeat "Our unit has completely been destroyed. Need some other unit to drive the enemy from their positions. Can we ever even capture Viipuri?"
game.setAxisDebriefingMinorDefeat "The enemy was too tough nut to crack. We need more help to drive them out from their positions, as we lost too many men. Hopefully other parts of the front are closing on the Viipuri."

game.setMapId "FinnWars"