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rem Created by Battlecraft 1942. Copyright (c)2003,2004 Digital Illusions CE
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Game.setLocalized 1
game.setLoadPicture Load/Eastern.tga
game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "Briefing(US): Assault the iraqi village located in the middle of the mountains. we can have 2 c130s in the air at all times. We also have a wing of A-10s with bombs, but use caution, because if you lose them they take a LONG freakin' time to respawn. To win, we need to take all flags. Watch out for AA batteries. Briefing (IRAQ): Allahshakalakakakadurrkerdurrallahshakalalalkakakakachullllmooooneeeahlanwasahlenwanikookokooklalaahallahallah. (translation: kill americans, the infidel. we win by killing all of them.) NOTE: Iraqi T-72 and BRDM do NOT respawn."
game.setMapId "DC_Final"
rem Created by Battlecraft 1942. Copyright (c)2003,2004 Digital Illusions CE
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Game.setLocalized 1
game.setLoadPicture Load/Eastern.tga
game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "Briefing(US): Assault the iraqi village located in the middle of the mountains. we can have 2 c130s in the air at all times. We also have a wing of A-10s with bombs, but use caution, because if you lose them they take a LONG freakin' time to respawn. To win, we need to take all flags. Watch out for AA batteries. Briefing (IRAQ): Allahshakalakakakadurrkerdurrallahshakalalalkakakakachullllmooooneeeahlanwasahlenwanikookokooklalaahallahallah. (translation: kill americans, the infidel. we win by killing all of them.) NOTE: Iraqi T-72 and BRDM do NOT respawn."
game.setMapId "DC_Final"