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List of all objects imported into 3DSMax for lightmapping in Berlin Nights. Some objects like a fence piece, wooden plank, and a treemesh won't be lightmapped. But they will be imported anyway so that they can cast shadows on other objects! Simple Objects: x Berlin_waterwall_M1 x Berlin_waterwall2_M1 x Berlinbridge_m1 x citymesh1_closed_M1 x citymesh2_closed_M1 x citymesh4_closed_M1 x citymesh4_seald_m1 x citywall_m1 x rubble03_m1 x ruin_citymesh1_M1 x ruin_citymesh4_M1 x rusruin01_m1 x rusruin02_m1 x rusruin03_m1 x rusruin04_m1 x rusruin06_m1 x rusruin07_m1 x rusruin09_m1 x rusruin10_m1 x SightScene1_M1 x SightScene2_M1 x SightSceneRuin1_M1 x SightSceneRuin2_M1 x SightSceneRuin3_M1 Small Objects/Other: x wdfence2_fen1_m1 x steplank1_m1 x churcfence_m1 x churcfencestop_m1 x rh_tsp_M1 x stecrate1_M1 x stecrate2_M1 x stebarrel2_m1 x cabledrm_m1 x Ammobox_m1 x mediclocker_m1 x Berlin_Galler_M1 x sandbagl_m1 x sandbagi_m1 x sandbag_2m_m1 x repport_box1_m1 TreeMeshes: x EU_pine7_M1 Compound Objects (Bundles): x citymesh2_m1 citymesh2_m2 citymesh2fence_m1 eupaint2_m1 eutable_m1 euchair_M1 eurocarpet1_m1 eubooksh_M1 eucloset_M1 eubed_m1 eurocarpet2_M1 x citymesh3_m1 citymesh3fence_M1 x citymesh4_m1 citymesh4_m2 eupaint1_m1 eupaint2_m1 eutable_m1 euchair_M1 eurocarpet1_m1 eurocarpet2_M1 eubooksh_M1 eucloset_M1 eubed_m1