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rem Created by Battlecraft 1942. Copyright (c)2003,2004 Digital Illusions CE
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Game.setLocalized 1

game.setLoadPicture ../../bf1942/levels/panic_in_the_streets/Menu/loading_screen.tga

game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "This is a close Quarter Combat Map. Both teams enter the city from an uncapturable insert point, there are four ControlPoints, the team who controls The Destroyed Building and one more flag will cause the other team to lose tickets. The Cellar doesn't cause any bleed, however it is important to hold it to stop the enemy from entering the city. The Destroyed Building is the most important Flag, the team that controls this flag can spawn troops anywhere in the city - It is...Panic In The Streets!"

game.setMultiplayerBriefingMapType "CLOSE QUARTER COMBAT"

game.setMapId "Infantry"
game.setServerInfoIcon ../../bf1942/game/