This page is under construction
.5j - fixed tex on static - replaced mi8 with hind on day2 .5g - day2 fixed hp - day1 added ctf - fixed heli spawn for mi8 .5h - set load screen - set mission briefing - removed pantsyr code - added spawn wreck effects by barake - added radardome wreck .5g - moved f14 f15 and harrier around to fix take crash - heightmap adjustments - added hydra harrier - added comeplete texture with new roads and shadows - added secret rearm strip;P .5f day2 - fixed spawns - added rescue heli .5e - stuff .5d - heightmap tweaks - adjusted object spawn *added extra mirage spawn and a su *removed ural tanker *etc .5c - S&D + air cps swaped days - object spawn clean up on aircp var. - added f14 - added ammoboxes to vills + healthcab - changed hp controlltower 14000 hangar 12000 radardome 10000 - remove 7th class !!!do not chose in menu!!!! .5b - dc 5c comp. .5a - optimised colmeshes for hangars - added iggy clouds - modfied - reduced viewdistance - reduced tree and objects ammount - tonz of heightmap tweaks - added S&D feature *radardome is now destroyable, and has sa3 connected to it, spawns *f16/mig spawns connected to controll tower .4d - fixed lightmap - fixed envmaping - added shaded tex by gabriel - minor fixes .4c - added civ vehicles to village at river - added m2 and wreck meshes - added lodcode for objects - added several mesh fixes by gabriel - added new skybox - tweaked specular color on water - added road layout - added new ingame map - some heightmap fixes - set load screen to "f16" - minor fixes .4b - added f15 (f14 left out for now) - lightmap test(bad contras, some statics bad lm, no lightmap in day2 yet) - minor fixes - fixed missing tex tiles - minor heightmap changes - fixed rotation on soldier spawns for controll tower - ground tex and static object fixes added (by gabriel) - added ladders and boxes to object bundles (by barake) .4a - new draft tex - raised viewdistance and fog start - contiued work on trees - added day2, air superiority battle around 3 air cps (with 150 radius 5 secs to change and value of 50) .3i - 1.45 bug fix - us set to 2xa10 hangars - lowered tickets to 100 - bsped us barrack - few trees - some fence added to opp base - 2x scuds added :P .3h - added soldierspawns to des objects (controll tower spawn roation messed up) - connected bomber spawns to hangars (su, a10, f14 only spawn inside hangars aslong as these exsist) - added ammo to all runways - added trees (only halfdone) - added repair suply depot to hangars - added us barracke (needs fix: floor bug, and art changes) - raised HP of des objects to 20000 .3g - new terrain tex - reduced some vehicles - added ural tanker - changed mat id on airfield to 15 .3f - terrain changes - new draft terrain tex - re added the big hangar - bsped all meshes .3e - replaced iraq hangar with slightly smaller and simpler low poly version (bad mesh entrance is too low, ceiling missing tile) - fixed some stuff on the controll tower object - fixed invisiable tower - readded pantsyr(with fixed .4b code) - removed underground bunker - removed some more ground vehicles - added extra su - set planes to spawn 3x .3d - removed all sam bases, and cps - converted US base to destroyable, adding sam and zpus - reduced ground vehciles - ground bunker from destroyable to static - terrain work - ac130 removed .3c - destroyable supplydepots removed - replaced by normal cp for the samsite (airbase remains bombable) - bunch of stuff - new draft tex (north iraq scheme) - moved two sambases closer to airport - added some more roads - fixed river coast .3b -added 4 sam bases with destroyabel suplydepot -changed controll tower so its like the other bombable objects -added some vehicles -added destroyabel bridges -reduced samsites at airbase -tried fixing SnD so round ends after all buildings destroyed .3a -scrapped secondary bases -added scenery, extended roads and brigdes -remove a bunch of stuff -first stage of Search and Destroy *controll tower destroyable by c4 (took me something between 6 and 20 c4) *hangar and vehicle bunker take damage from all weapons(takes about 50 ac130 rounds, or extensive bombing) .2b -removed pantsyr(network crash in .39) -optimised col mesh on underground vehicle bunker -resized big radar <iggy> transparent true; [13:59] <iggy> depthWrite false; [13:59] <iggy> alphaTestRef 0.7; <iggy> GeometryTemplate.setLodDistance 0 0 [14:03] <iggy> GeometryTemplate.setLodDistance 1 15 [14:03] <iggy> GeometryTemplate.setLodDistance 2 35 [14:03] <iggy> GeometryTemplate.setLodDistance 3 70 [14:03] <iggy> GeometryTemplate.setLodDistance 4 100 [14:03] <iggy> GeometryTemplate.setLodDistance 5 300 [14:03] <iggy> so the last entry has a really far value