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Game.setLocalized 1
game.setAlliedCampaign "The Royals must defeat the Nationals at Buccaneer Bay!"
game.setAlliedHints "Capture their flags!"
game.setAlliedObjectives "Capture and hold flags while killing the Nationals."
game.setAlliedSkirmish " "
game.setAxisCampaign "The Nationals must defeat the Royals in a Buccaneer Bay!"
game.setAxisHints "Capture their flags!"
game.setAxisObjectives "Capture and hold flags while killing the Royals."
game.setAxisSkirmish " "
game.setAlliedDebriefingMajorVictory "The Royals crushed the Nationals!"
game.setAlliedDebriefingMinorVictory "The Royals achieved a minor victory!"
game.setAlliedDebriefingMajorDefeat "The Royals were crushed by the Nationals!"
game.setAlliedDebriefingMinorDefeat "The Royals suffered a minor defeat!"
game.setAxisDebriefingMajorVictory "The Nationals defeated the Royals!"
game.setAxisDebriefingMinorVictory "The Nationals achieved a minor victory!"
game.setAxisDebriefingMajorDefeat "The Nationals were crushed by the Royals!"
game.setAxisDebriefingMinorDefeat "The Nationals suffered a minor defeat!"
rem ** Multiplayer Briefing **
game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "Welcome Heroes!"
game.setMultiplayerBriefingMapType MULTIPLAYER_MAP_TYPE_HEADON_MAP
game.setMapId "bfheroes"
game.setServerInfoIcon "../../texture/"
game.setAlliedCampaign "The Royals must defeat the Nationals at Buccaneer Bay!"
game.setAlliedHints "Capture their flags!"
game.setAlliedObjectives "Capture and hold flags while killing the Nationals."
game.setAlliedSkirmish " "
game.setAxisCampaign "The Nationals must defeat the Royals in a Buccaneer Bay!"
game.setAxisHints "Capture their flags!"
game.setAxisObjectives "Capture and hold flags while killing the Royals."
game.setAxisSkirmish " "
game.setAlliedDebriefingMajorVictory "The Royals crushed the Nationals!"
game.setAlliedDebriefingMinorVictory "The Royals achieved a minor victory!"
game.setAlliedDebriefingMajorDefeat "The Royals were crushed by the Nationals!"
game.setAlliedDebriefingMinorDefeat "The Royals suffered a minor defeat!"
game.setAxisDebriefingMajorVictory "The Nationals defeated the Royals!"
game.setAxisDebriefingMinorVictory "The Nationals achieved a minor victory!"
game.setAxisDebriefingMajorDefeat "The Nationals were crushed by the Royals!"
game.setAxisDebriefingMinorDefeat "The Nationals suffered a minor defeat!"
rem ** Multiplayer Briefing **
game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "Welcome Heroes!"
game.setMultiplayerBriefingMapType MULTIPLAYER_MAP_TYPE_HEADON_MAP
game.setMapId "bfheroes"
game.setServerInfoIcon "../../texture/"