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Game.setLocalized 1

game.setMultiplayerBriefingObjectives "Battle of Bukit Timah, Singapore, 11 February, 1942. HISTORY: The battle of Bukit Timah was one of the bloodiest during the Japanese conquest, with staggering casualties suffered on both the defending locals who fought with the Allied forces, and the invading Japanese forces. On 11 February, the Japanese reached the Bukit Timah area. It was an important place as the British had stocked up food and ammunition as well as vehicle and machine parts there. STRATEGY: There are six ControlPoints; hold four or more to cause your enemy to lose tickets. The reservoir requires two soldiers to be captured."

game.setMultiplayerBriefingMapType FACE_TO_FACE


game.setLoadPicture Load/bukit_timah.tga

game.setMapId "fhtmod"